Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Covenant with Black America

I made mention of The Covenant with Black America in a previous post and I wanted to provide more information on the subject for those interested.

People this is so important, we have to be INVOLVED in changing our future don't be a spectator today you can change someones life, volunteer, sponsor a little brother or sister, tutor, visit with your elders, help your community programs, take a few hours and give it to the People. The web offers so many opportunities to find volunteer projects all over the country, choose to improve.

This is the address to CWBA:

One of the ways you can get involved is by sending letters to your elected officials directly from the site above. I have pasted a copy of the generic letter below to give you a better idea of the contract.

I can't stress enough how important it is to hold your local officials to the nose on these issues, politics aside if a community elects an alderman or representative they have an obligation to that community to provide improvement and change. Hold them accountable, make sure they are aware of the issues important to Us. And if and when that fails results form your own committee of concerned community members and focus on change yourself.


Subject: Covenant with Black America
Dear [Lawmaker]:

Earlier this year, the Covenant with Black America captured the attention of millions of people who feel it is time to pay attention to advancing a policy agenda that will make this country live up to its promise. We hope that you will use your power and influence to help eliminate devastating racial disparities--from health care to housing, education to economic parity, criminal justice to civil rights--so that we can create a society that truly provides opportunity for all.

All across America, Black people are struggling to live courageous and fulfilled lives in communities that are under-funded, neglected, and seemingly forgotten. We know that together, we can do better. As an official elected to serve and protect our interests, we ask that you promote the policies that are outlined in depth in the Covenant with Black America. We hope you will read the book and ask your staffs to read it as well. The book contains the facts regarding each of the areas highlighted below as well as examples of what individuals and communities are already doing to achieve these goals and a suggested policy agenda for each area. Please join The Covenant movement and advance policies that:

- Secure the Right to Healthcare and Well-Being, including universal access to health insurance, and support for policies that promote healthy communities and lifestyles;

- Establish a System of Public Education in which All Children Achieve at High Levels and Reach Their Full Potential, including universal access to high quality early education and after school programs;

- Correct the System of Unequal Justice in which African-Americans are disproportionately incarcerated, including reforming the juvenile justice system and providing effective programs to support those returning to community from jails and prisons;

- Foster Accountable Community-Centered Policing that attracts those who respectfully serve all communities and maintain safety;

- Ensure Broad Access to Affordable Neighborhoods that Connect to Opportunity, including more public transit linking low-income residents to good jobs throughout the region, enforcement of Fair Housing Policies, and promotion of mixed-income neighborhoods;

- Claim our Democracy, enforce voting rights laws, and promote broad participation in the democratic process;

- Strengthen our Rural Roots, support small farmers, and expand economic opportunity in rural communities;

- Promote Good Jobs, Wealth Building, and Economic Opportunity so that no one is left behind;

- Ensure Environmental Safety and Justice for All Communities;

- Close the Racial Digital Divide and support universal broadband access for all communities.

Thank you for joining this effort and expect to hear from us as specific opportunities to advance The Covenant goals emerge.


Your name
Your street address
City, State Zip


Also I have included a link to Volunteer Match, this is a great tool I have used successfully to find projects and areas where I can help. Even if you only have a few hours a week it can make a difference.

For those of your involved with churches and religious organizations, talk with your church leaders about organizing food drives, career and job search seminars, neighborhood clean ups and youth outreach.

We all are responsible and We all have an obligation to secure Our future. Do your part, simple as that.